Carnegie Mellon University

Information Systems Projects

Work With Us!

Since 2015, the Information Systems course at Carnegie Mellon University has worked with community partners to create sustainable and applicable information systems solutions that seek to bridge the digital divide.

Organizations can benefit from technical help and automation, yet this assistance is often expensive and time-consuming. Carnegie Mellon University’s Information Systems courses aim to assist by partnering them with innovative student teams to create custom technology solutions. Some solution examples include:

Explore the links below to get a more detailed look into What a Community Partner Is and what solutions past IS students have helped develop.

Courses to Partner With

If you are interested and would like to know more about partnering with a specific course, click below.

CMU text


Information Systems Program at Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213


(412) 268-3259

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This website is the outcome of a student project in IS Consulting Project (67-373) and is maintained by student led effort.
Credits: Website prototyping and development
Version 1: Erin Dieringer, Zoe Feng, Arnav Luthra, Abbey Mui and Pooja Penninti
Version 2: Al Dana Al-Naemi, Fatima Johar and May Thu Khin
Version 3: Lillian Zhao.
Website maintenance Stephanie Pang, Samara McCallum, Emmet Mack, Allen Yao, Benjamin Chen, and Chloe Deng. Faculty advisors: Prof. Sara Moussawi, Prof. Larry Heimann, Prof. Mohammad Aazam and Prof. Julia Poepping.