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Who is a Community Partner?

A community partner is an organization that collaborates with our student teams to solve real-world information system challenges. Partners range from nonprofits and government entities to startups and private businesses. Our goal is to create impactful solutions that not only benefit our partners but also provide our students with invaluable real-world experience.

Any organization facing an information system challenge can apply to become a community partner. We're particularly interested in organizations aiming to bridge the digital divide, supporting underprivileged communities, and looking to enhance their technological capabilities.

When you choose to work with our IS students, the collaboration is focused on creating sustainable solutions tailored to fit your organization's needs. Through this partnership we hope you come away with innovative solutions, enhanced technical capacity, and fresh perspectives. This is an opportunity to tackle your most pressing problems while contributing to the education and growth of our students.

There is no fee to participate, but your commitment is key. You'll actively engage with the student team for at least an hour a week, respond quickly to feedback requests, and share your domain expertise. There are mandatory meetings where all community partners are asked to come on campus. In return for your time and attention, you'll receive innovative solutions and improvements tailored to your organization.

To apply, fill out the application form on our website. Fully one third of our community partners return in subsequent semesters. This success stems from a commitment to delivering real value and fostering meaningful partnerships.

Quotes from Real Community Members, Faculty, and Students

Community Impact

From 2015 through 2024, the IS Consulting Project course has collaborated with 160 Community Partners, with 255 project teams, contributing 159,550 hours to our communities. With each project, students invest 540 hours, guided by 90 hours of faculty advising. Notably, 35% of our partners return in subsequent years, and 8 have partnered with us more than 4 times, emphasizing sustained success and trust. Together, our efforts contribute to a lasting positive influence within the communities we serve.
Our student teams have effectively collaborated with several organizations from startups to government institutions.
Community Partners Icon


Community Partners
Community Hours Icon


Return Rate
Project Teams Icon


Project Teams
Student Hours Icon


Student Hours

Courses to Partner With

If you are would like to know more in-depth about partnering for a specific course, you can also learn more about the courses below.

Apply Now to Become a Community Partner!

Applications to become a Community Partner are accepted all year round although we do have a deadline for the cut-off date for each of the courses. Fill out the application form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership.

Carnegie Mellon University students have applied a range of technologies to address diverse Sustainable Development Goals, showcasing their commitment to sustainability across various sectors.
No Poverty Icon


No Poverty
Zero Hunger Icon


Zero Hunger
Equality Icon


Good Health Icon


Good Health
Quality Education Icon


Quality Education
Gender Equality Icon


Gender Equality
Clean Water Icon


Clean Water
Clean Energy Icon


Clean Energy
Economic Growth Icon


Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Icon


Industry Innovation
Reduced Inequality Icon


Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities Icon


Sustainable Cities
Responsible Consumption Icon


Responsible Consumption
Climate Action Icon


Climate Action
Life Below Water Icon


Life Below Water
Life on Land Icon


Life on Land
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Icon


Peace, Justice, Institutions
Partnership for the Goals Icon


Partnership for the Goals
Information Systems Program at Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 268-3259

This website is the outcome of a student project in IS Consulting Project (67-373) and is maintained by student led effort.
Credits: Website prototyping and development
Version 1: Erin Dieringer, Zoe Feng, Arnav Luthra, Abbey Mui and Pooja Penninti
Version 2: Al Dana Al-Naemi, Fatima Johar and May Thu Khin
Version 3: Lillian Zhao.
Website maintenance Stephanie Pang, Samara McCallum, Emmet Mack, Allen Yao, Benjamin Chen, and Chloe Deng. Faculty advisors: Prof. Sara Moussawi, Prof. Larry Heimann, Prof. Mohammad Aazam and Prof. Julia Poepping.