67 - 240: Mobile Web Design & Development Course

Organizations interested in designing / redesigning their web presence might consider another project-based course called “Mobile Web Design and Development.” This course is taught in the Fall semester and emphasizes design and user-experience. In this course, 3 to 4 small student teams work with a partner client over 6 weeks to rapidly solidify the project vision and deliver multiple solution prototypes. The students leverage a user-centered approach to design, capture feedback, and implement a prototype. Through this process, clients gain clarity about the direction and priorities for their website or app interface. Engagement in this course can serve as a great precursory step for a full-semester Spring engagement in the Information Systems Consulting Project course.
Learning Objectives:
  • Design and develop responsive mobile websites/apps using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and Bootstrap while adhering to effective web design principles.
  • Conduct research to inform the design and development process, focusing on user-centered design throughout.
  • Create and refine wireframes for desktop and mobile sites.
  • Understand technology and business trends in the mobile web arena.
  • Apply mobile-first and responsive web design principles practically.
In this course, teams of 3-4 students will propose and develop projects under a common theme, with guidance from instructors. Deliverables include project proposals, wireframes, market research, user testing evidence, presentations, and final reports. All team members are expected to contribute to every deliverable and attend all meetings and presentations.
All On-Campus meetings are mandatory for Community Partners.
Deadline to Apply

August 30, 2024

First Meeting (On Campus)

October 22, 2024
Weekly Meetings Begin (Remote)

Mid-Semester Evaluation (On Campus)

November 14, 2024

Final Presentations (On Campus)

December 3, 2024
or December 5, 2024

Information Systems Program at Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 268-3259

This website is the outcome of a student project in IS Consulting Project (67-373) and is maintained by student led effort.
Credits: Website prototyping and development
Version 1: Erin Dieringer, Zoe Feng, Arnav Luthra, Abbey Mui and Pooja Penninti
Version 2: Al Dana Al-Naemi, Fatima Johar and May Thu Khin
Version 3: Lillian Zhao.
Website maintenance Stephanie Pang, Samara McCallum, Emmet Mack, Allen Yao, Benjamin Chen, and Chloe Deng. Faculty advisors: Prof. Sara Moussawi, Prof. Larry Heimann, Prof. Mohammad Aazam and Prof. Julia Poepping.